
Videos for lower grades

Page history last edited by Jess Ledbetter 11 years, 6 months ago

Since YouTube can occasionally show unpredictable content prior to the selected video, I recommend previewing videos using the YouTube links (during lesson planning). Then, download the videos you plan to show students by clicking on the "Video Download Link" for your selected video.


Video Description  Video Download link  YouTube link 

Respect song (2:55)

This is a great, simple video about respecting others—even if they’re different.



Diversity video (1:33)

Short video (1 minute) clearly made be kids. Good for the lower grades.



Everybody Has Something (1:20)

It’s actually a book promo video, but it’s short and has kids talking about differences being “ok.”




It’s OK to be Different (1:05)

This is a short song and silly video of a concert with kids in video

It's OK to be Different Song.3gp


Empathy video--Sesame Street with Mark Ruffalo (2:28) 

In this video

Sesame Street_ Mark Ruffalo_ Empathy.3gp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1Rt1R4xbM 

Don't Laugh At Me

This video is sweet and sentimental with a song. It shows kids being mean to each other and then kids being kind to each other.


Teacher Tube Link



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