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Lesson Ideas for Middle Grades

Page history last edited by Jess Ledbetter 11 years, 11 months ago

Lesson Description 

Downloads or Links 

This is a "Get to Know You Bingo" game. Kids find out about each other by going around the room asking peers to sign on a square that describes something about himself/herself. Use the ready-made activity at the left or make your own using attached template. 

diversity activity-get to know you bingo.pdf  


Bingo template.docx

Experience a Physical Disability--This lesson is geared to help students experience the feeling of having a physical disability. Click on the page to the right for more info.  Physical Disability Role Play 
These are some statements to start discussion in class about what people with disabilities can do (Teacher reads statements and students respond "yes" or "no" if they agree) Assessing Attitudes about Disabilities.pdf  
Lollipop Activity: to remind kids that it's the inside that counts  Lollipop Activity
Create a poster 

Have students create class posters for your class to hold when I go around to take pictures of classes participating in "Dress Down for Diversity Day." Some examples of posters I made for last year:

    Sine Stars learn from everyone, learn from everything

    Diversity makes us all better

    We celebrate diversity


What poster ideas can your class think of?



Other Lesson Idea Starters

Source: http://www.venturacountyselpa.com/Portals/45/Users/Community%20Awareness/GENERAL%20DISABILITY%20AWARENESS.pdf



1. Have children make a collage of things they appreciate through their senses.

2. Have the children compile a list from A to Z describing things people with disabilities can do.

3. Have the children set up a display in the classroom about people with disabilities.

4. Have the children find out all they can about Special Olympics.

5. Have the children answer open-ended questions such as: "It makes a blind person feel _____________ when you ______________."

6. Have the children draw posters that develop positive attitudes about people with disabilities. Have a poster contest.

7. Have the children record their favorite stories for use by children with visual impairments.

8. As an art project, have the children paint by holding paint brushes in their mouth (hands in lap). Explain that this is how many people with cerebral palsy or other physical disabilities do artwork. Display the artwork around the classroom or school.

9. Have the children do a report on a famous person who has/had a disability. Some suggestions would be:


  Physical Disabilities  Learning  Disablilities    Blind  Hearing  Impairments 

° Lord Nelson

° Franklin Roosevelt

° Wilma Rudolph

° Handel

° Toulouse L’autrec

° Magellan 

° Albert Einstein

° Greg Louganis

° Henry Winkler

° Cher

° Tom Cruise


° Helen Keller

° Ray Charles

° Stevie Wonder

° Jose Feliciano


° Beethoven

° Alexander Graham Bell

° Thomas Edison



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